Exploring mainly Pre-colonial customs within Africa and the Caribbean and its connections. Expressing this with the use of common materials and fabrics of the Caribbean and Africa alongside print techniques.
Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean spiritually; the act of praying to ancestors as well as material used / part of instruments.

Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean customs of spirituality and how instruments; especially drums ) are used as part of ceremonies and celebrations including praying to ancestors and relaying a blessing over newborns.
Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean customs of spirituality and how instruments, brooms and sticks are used as part of ceremonies and celebrations including praying to ancestors.
Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean materials used in instrumented as well as spiritual connection to nature / earth and how they use divination as a way to connect to higher beings / Gods. The divination board is always a circle which made me think about things of importance being inside the circle. Hence placing a baby’s foot in the wooden circle; as they are seen as important ‘’ vessels ‘’ of keeping ancestors alive though them as soon as they are born.

Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean customs of spirituality and how ceremonies are used as part of connecting or praying to ancestors. Also taking inspiration from corn / millet being prepared in the community during / after harvest.

Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean clothing and instrument materials. The red string represents how the mothers of newborns would bury their childs’ umbilical cord in the ground to symbolise and create their connection spiritual connection to specific land.

Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean construction and protection of plants / nature / earthly elements and how they wrap things together to carry. The red string represents how the mothers of newborns would bury their childs’ umbilical cord in the ground to symbolise and create their connection spiritual connection to specific land.

Taking inspiration from Pre-Colonial African / Caribbean construction and protection of plants / nature / earthly elements and how they wrap things together to carry. The red string represents how the mothers of newborns would bury their childs’ umbilical cord in the ground to symbolise and create their connection spiritual connection to specific land.